Sunday 9 August 2015

MILK Causes My ACNE!!

You indeed read the title of this post correctly.  Do I know that milk 100% causes my acne? No.  But it is definitely a trigger for my active acne!  Let me fill you all in on a little background knowledge/story of my love for milk...
Ever since I could remember, I always, always ALWAYS ate Cheerios with milk.  As a child, I actually remember only eating my Cheerios with milk in a specific pink bowl that everyone knew not to touch because it was my designated bowl.  In my adolescence and teen years I would consume at least 3 relatively large bowls of Cheerios with milk a day!  We were going through Cheerios and milk as if it was nothing.  What can I say, I just loved the taste of ice cold milk and crunchy little O's.  Eventually, leading up to my late teens I noticed that dairy (specifically milk) was taking a toll on my acne and I knew I had to either cut down on the Cheerios or cut it out completely.  One day I went completely cold turkey and was done with the Cheerios with milk days.  It was a sad moment and I do miss eating 3 bowls a day, but it was ruining my face so I knew it was for the best.  Kind of like a relationship that you know is not good for you but you know you have to end it for the better of both partners.  Now I am just rambling, back onto topic...

While I was still eating 3-5 bowls of Cheerios with milk a day, I had noticed I had a lot of active acne as well as tiny little bumps that were always under the surface and never came up.  I tried a bunch of different treatments and creams and finally realized that it was all the milk that I was consuming that was causing my skin to freak out.  As soon as I cut out milk, I noticed my acne getting significantly better.  Majority of the active acne (those nasty white-heads) was gone and the bumps began to disappear.  I had not had milk in a long time and since coming back home for summer holidays I was tempted to try a bowl of Cheerios and milk.  Because I went cold turkey, I obviously missed my tried and true meal of the day.... 
 How do I know this?  
I ate a couple bowls of Cheerios and BAM!
Instant acne.
 Don't believe me? I will prove it to you...

The pictures below were taken 2 days before I consumed milk.  As you can see, I do have acne scars but no active acne (white-heads).  Aside from the discolouration and hyper-pigmentation, my chin/jawline looks relatively clear.   
Here's where the proof lies.  These next couple of pictures were taken the next day after I had consumed about 2-3 bowls of Cheerios and milk.  As you can see, about 7-8 new pimples showed up on my chin and decided to stay a while since they had found such a lovely home (sarcasm very much intended here). 
As I have said many times before, this was just my experience with milk and dairy products and how it reacts with my skin.  There are however a ton of articles on the internet explaining why milk is actually doing more harm than good to your skin (i.e.: tons of hormones in milk, excess product of sebum, insulin spikes, etc.).  If you consume a lot of milk and your skin is clear, good for you!! Keep doing what you're doing, I'm just giving you my feedback/experiences on what milk has done to my skin.   
 Stay tuned for my next blog post and take care,

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."
Ayn Rand


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