Tuesday 6 January 2015

A little introduction...

Hello there,
A little about myself?
My name is Jessica Glynn and my birthday is on June 9th, 1995 which makes me legal in Canada (woot woot!) and a Gemini (yikes). I am in my second year of university and I am currently a full-time student and working at McDonald's on the side (hey, you gotta start somewhere).  Let's see.. what else can I tell you guys.....
I absolutely LOVE YouTube and have been watching beauty-related videos for probably 8 years now? AND I'm actually obsessed with Instagram. To be honest, I could probably spend hours and hours on both of those social media sites.  

But yeah, like I said, the name's Glynn and welcome to my own personal blog related to my "Skin's Journey."  About 3 months ago I posted a collage comprised of three pictures of my natural skin on my Instagram.  
At first, this was a very hard picture for me to upload for two reasons: 
1. At that time I hated the way my natural skin looked and it made me feel alienated 
2. I did not know how my friends and family that follow me would react to such a thing

Eventually I brought up enough courage and just posted the damn thing.  The caption read:

Alright let's be real for a second. Yes, this is my skin freshly cleansed, toned, and moisturized. This is it. This is what it looks like without any make-up, filters, photoshopping effects, or whatever else you can use nowadays to change the way you look. (Some days are better, some days are worse) I thought about posting these pictures for two reasons. One, to show that no one is perfect and two, to learn to be fucking comfortable in your own damn skin (even on public social media sites). Yes I have redness, visible pores, and visible post-acne scarring. So fucking what? Honestly I hear so many people complaining and worrying over stuff like that (myself included) but who the fuck cares, you know? As long as you're comfortable and accepting with what God gave you, WHO CARES!! And if you're not accepting and grateful with what God has given you then you need to reevaluate your shit. (This took an unexpected-religious approach which was not what I intended.) Let's get back on topic. This is me, this is who I am, and I honestly (and I do mean honestly), could care less about what others think of me; redness, pores, scarring, n' all. And if I want to wear foundation and concealer to cover it up some days or in Instagram pictures then that's what I'm going to fucking do. If that bothers you then please excuse yourself by unfollowing me or not associating with me anymore. As long as I keep myself healthy and happy, the rest will eventually fall into play. Anyway, I apologize if some of you found this annoying or preachy but if you did you really shouldn't have read on up until now.. lol. In short, love what God gave you and fuck what everyone else says or thinks. Don't be afraid to show the world who you really fucking are. Again, I apologize for the length and any crudeness that may have been "unnecessary." #loveyourself

I poured my heart and soul into the rather lengthy and at times crude caption and to my surprise received tons of positive feedback:  

It was the feedback that I received that pushed me to create this blog.  Basically this blog will provide information, feedback, advice, tips, tricks, etc. all things skincare (and make-up too) as well as pictures of my own skin's progress.  I also have a YouTube channel that will soon go up and I will add links and what not onto the blog as well. 

Stay tuned for my next blog post and take care,

"Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you."
 George R.R. Martin

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